Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pool time

"Water's great! Everyone come in the pool!"

It has been great weather the last couple of days. We have been enjoying the pool and pool side lounging... Isla especially. She is walking all around, pushing balls and carrying every ones shoes (some kind of infatuation with shoelaces).

She has started to say a few words. Only the close relatives will understand them at this point. Actually her 'bye, bye' is pretty understandable though you would swear she must be from Georgia.

We are here for three more days so we will try and update once or twice more. Love to all, Isla, Mama and Baba

Everyone in the pool.

Isla and Mama splashing.

Isla and Grandma T.

Isla preparing to lift the beach ball.

Zen Isla meditating and balancing on the beach ball. Mama is just there in case the wind blows her down.

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