Sunday, April 20, 2008

16 Months

Isla is 16 months old today! She has been learning all kinds of new things lately and understands more words than we care to count. She says a half a dozen words too.

It is hard to believe we have been back from China for only 3 months now. We say that because we cannot imagine our lives without Isla and even though the days go by so quickly now, it feels like Isla has been in our family since the day we decided to adopt 3 years ago.

Here are a few more recent pictures (the tricycle picture is from this morning - thanks Aunt Mary and Grandma Dot!)


Anonymous said...
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Shawnstribe said...

from an Aila to another beautiful Isla x x x
hugs to a beautiful young lady

chris koz said...

Yay!!! New pictures!!! Isla is soooo cute! Besides all the words she's speaking- don't forget about all the words she's signing!!! You are a beautiful family : )

Paulette said...

Love that little Tahoe girl. I need a few of thows trikes for my school program.

Paulette said...


Thanks so much for the Doctor referral I have an appointment on May 6th (my Birthday) can't think of anything I would rather do then plan my daughters future. Can't wait to get together soon.
