Saturday, February 16, 2008

Gotta wear shades...

Since the sun finally decided to shine a bit around here we went out and bought Isla here first pair of shades. We didn't find anything for a 13 (almost 14 month) old but with a pair of croakies to tighten them on these seem to do the job... and are cool.

In other news Isla officially now has five teeth and two more just about to to come through. We thought she was only working on her next two top teeth just on the side of her two front teeth. Yesterday we noticed something else coming in in the back and today she has her first molar (or at least that is what I will call it).

Hope everyone is well. Love, Isla, Mama and Baba


Paulette said...

Yay tooo coooool love those shades. A true Tahoe girl : )

chris koz said...

The shades are waaaaay cool!!! Isla is definitely a true Tahoe girl!!

Sylvia said...

I enjoy checking in.. We live in S. CA., so especially love the snow pics. Sylvia (found link on RQ)