Saturday, February 2, 2008

One small step for Isla, one giant leap too

Isla rebounded well from her first set of immunization shots here in the US. She surprised her baba and momma by having an extra energetic afternoon after a slower than usual start to the day.

Our good friends Ed and Sue came over and Isla decided go all out strutting her stuff... literally. She took her first independent steps today. She would start from one of us and take up to five steps to reach the other... or go for the all out body lunge.

Tomorrow morning she should be able to walk in another couple feet of fresh snow. We think this may finally be the last of the storms for a while (a week maybe??). Hope everyone is doing well. Love, Isla, Momma and Baba.

PS Momma says that Isla says "Go Patriots". Baba abstains.

Isla styling the new ski hat from Tyler. Thanks Tyler!

Isla playing with her good friends Ed and Sue.

1 comment:

Judy and Didier said...

Oh Wow!!!!Hooray for Isla!!! And her coaches, Mama and Baba are the best! It is amazing that she is in upright and vertical mode! How thrilling to see you all in action. She looks completely different from her pictures in China, even her coloring has changed. She is thriving!
Thank you so much for sharing your adventures and the coming together of your family. We appreciate getting to know this amazing being and the joy you are creating with each other.
I had not been able to read the blog since the Gotcha Day, because I kept forgetting to bring the email address from work, so today I caught up.
We would love to share some "fois gras" with you, either here or over the mountain, at your home. We ae willing to flex with Isla's schedule and your desires. Please call or email,
Much Love and Big Hugs,
Judy and Didier