Saturday, February 23, 2008

Skiing over presidents day

Here are some pictures from this last week. Last weekend was beautiful and we got out skiing on Monday (presidents day).

In other news Isla has three new teeth as of a week ago. She is still drooling and pretty cranky at times so we think more molars will come soon. She now understands 20 or so words including Peek-a-boo, Doggy, Bear and "more". She knows how to sign more and gets the hang of using it when eating but I haven't seen her use it without us asking if she wants more. If she is babbling and I ask her to "tell us more" she signs more. Cute.

She is still not a full blown walker, but she is progressing each day. Recently she started increasing the walking distances. She regularly walks 15 or so steps between us and furniture. Today she even put in a record 25-30 step walk.

Ok. It is snowing here again. We expect another couple of feet. Hope everyone is well. Love, Mama, Baba and Isla.


chris koz said...

Barb, remember when I was eating my tomato/basil/mozzeralla panini at the Tahoe City CC Ski? She was banging out "more" "More" "more" for my tomato's : ) Unsolicited by me as I was really enjoying my sandwich... though I didn't mind sharing with Isla : )

Paulette said...

So glad you get to experience these special milestones with her teeth and all. Soon she will be running and you will think back to this time. Enjoy every minute.

Shawnstribe said...

Hi Barb, just popping in to see how yourIsla isdoing?
She looks adorable!!!!!
love from
Shawn and Aila over the pond