Saturday, January 19, 2008

Back Home!

We made it home! Isla did amazing on the flights and seems to be handling the lack of sleep really well.

Isla and baba are currently passing the night hours with some bottles and play time. As to be expected Isla started waking up when we finally got to go to sleep. Mom will be taking the day shift so she is currently sleeping.

We got home and found that our neighbors cleared all the snow from our house while we were gone. A huge help. Thanks!

We haven't taken any picture except for the one with Isla and Mom outside her new home. We were really surprised to see that she seems completely comfortable here. She is crawling more than we have seen before and smiling and laughing readily. We promise more pictures soon. Love to all.

Isla and mom hanging out in Hong Kong waiting for the 'big' flight.

Mom and Isla playing during flight.

Baba and Isla sleeping in San Fransisco.


Jennifer said...

Welcome home!

chris koz said...

Welcome Home!!!!

Cheri and Shane said...

Welcome Home!!! I really enjoyed following your blog while you were in China. Can't wait to see the updated photos of your precious little girl in her new home!! :)


Paulette said...

Yes Yes it is me Paulette from the little blue house. I can’t believe we have even more in common. I always knew you were a kindred spirit. Congratulations and welcome home. I am so happy for all of you. Isla is just beautiful. I can't wait to catch up with you sometime soon. Maybe at the CNY celebration in Reno. I am going to put up a little something on my blog about reconnecting with you if it's ok. You did such a great job documenting your trip I can't wait to read it all. I know some of my readers will enjoy your blog too. Drop me an email or a comment when you are back on this time zone and well rested.