Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Week Home

We are just at the end of our first week home. What a great week it has been and a great week to get through!

Isla has done really well with the time change. It was very hard at first keeping up with her through the nights but as of last night she finally slept through the night... even though her parents didn't manage too. Baba is still trying to adjust to the time change after the night shifts and momma was so worried since Isla wasn't stirring that she kept checking on her. Ha!

We took Isla skiing for her second time today. No, it is not what you are thinking. We went for a short cross country ski and Isla followed in the Chariot. She still seems more stunned than happy in the Chariot but she doesn't cry or protest and sleeps most of the time and gets out happy and refreshed.
This is Baba's favorite picture of Isla and Momma to date!
We had her physical this week and all was well. Not too much else to report new. Oh, just tonight she started to feed herself crackers! That is huge since as of two weeks ago she would not put anything but her thumb in her mouth and had never had solid foods.

She is still marching her parents around the house (though we have put the squeaky shoes aside so she walks without stomping every step). Her parent think (and hope for their backs sake) that she will be walking solo in a couple weeks time.

Hope everyone is well. Love from Isla, Momma and Baba.


Jennifer said...

It sounds like everyone is adjusting well - you must be a bit relieved.
Love the pictures!

Unknown said...

Thanks for more beautiful pictures...glad to hear the physical went well...I still freak out when I don't hear Addy sleeping or moving much

Sylvia said...

I've enjoyed following your journey. Thank you for sharing . What beautiful pictures!