Friday, January 11, 2008

What's going on here.

We haven't had a chance to write much recently, mainly because we are too busy having fun! The last couple days have been great! On Thursday, we did some sight seeing with our guide Rebecca. We went to the Sun YatSen Memorial Hall and to the Chen Family Mansion. Sun YatSen was the president in 1921 and is considered the father of modern China, (the Republic of China).  When YatSen died, Chiang Kai Shek became president. Mao then came to power and changed the country to the People's Republic of China.

At the Chen's, there are some beautiful rock sculptures and other amazing art works. We bought a scroll there and had it printed with Isla's name and a poem in Chinese characters. We also got ourselves an incredible painting that has sand in some of the paints to give the picture texture.  After walking the grounds, and viewing the art, we stopped at a tea shop. We were lucky enough to be the only customers, so they prepared us 6 different teas to try. Isla insisted on being part of the tea ceremony and enjoyed sipping some Rose tea. (She can't wait to join the afternoon teas with Chris P and the girls).

Friday was a very special day. After breakfast with all our new friends here at the hotel, we went to a Buddhist Temple. Isla was blessed in a short ceremony by a monk. She was enthralled with his chanting and drumming! We then climbed up to the top of the temple (9 stories). Isla, luckily, seems to be ok with heights!

We went to the playroom in the hotel once, but mainly play here in our room in the afternoons and evenings. Baths continue to be a highlight! Isla is quite the wild woman in the water. We got to bed very late last night because she was in such a playful mood after her bath. She is learning so many new things. Dad/baba taught her to blow raspberries in half a minute. Yesterday she learned how to give kisses and high fives! Last night, she was so proud of herself when she figured out how to hold a toy in her mouth and let go with her hands. And then, dropping it from her mouth was really funny! Isla has the greatest laugh, and she is starting to babble a bit too. At this point, she is spending more energy on her verbal and fine motor skills rather than her gross motor skills (yes, this is mom the therapist talking). She can crawl but does not choose to do it often. We know she can pull to stand because she did it her first night in the crib (but we have not seen it since). Oh, she is also exploring foods and enjoys checking them out with her hands. Her favorites are scrambled eggs, potatoes, steamed green veggies, and cheerios.

This morning Isla had her physical exam. All looks good and she tolerated it exceptionally well.  Isla weighs 17.5 pounds. Her 9 month clothes are fitting her now (thanks Danielle and Sharon, do you recognize any of the outfits?).

Isla is now taking a well deserved nap! She looks so peaceful!

Hope all is well with everyone! We will be home in one week now!

Love, Will, Barb, & Isla

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everyone looks fabulous! So glad you made the comment of Isla in the bath - I had named her water girl but prefer water wizard much better from your second pix postings! Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time getting to know each other!
Thank you for sharing and posting so timely - it truely is a treat.