Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Visa approved!

We are happy to announce that Isla has been approved for a special Visa that entitles her to become an American citizen upon her arrival to the USA! The only procedural item left for us to do is to pick up her passport and Visa tomorrow. There is also a ceremonial swearing-in for her at the US Consulate.
She continues to delight and amaze her parents (oh, and, wear them out)! Today, Isla decided that soccer is a pretty fun sport. She began kicking a bag as we walked her, and found this quite entertaining!  Her focus has shifted to the gross motor area, but she also enjoys practicing her oral motor skills. Every day, she is making more sounds and trying new foods. Cheerios have become her absolute favorite!
 Mom took a break today and went to get a massage. I opted for the small foot bucket and back/spine massage. What I did not realize was that this would be 2 hours of bliss. Good thing I did not choose the LARGE foot bucket (yes, it was an option). I have had great bodywork, but this was exceptional!! Feet soaking in herbs & salt while neck and back massaged, then feet done, legs done, etc. etc., I thought we were done twice, but there was always more. And then I was led to another room with a massage table and had full body with a combo of shiatsu and Thai massage. I feel like a new person!!
Some of our new friends have begun to leave for home. Today, we said good-bye to the "Scarey" family, including their newest daughter who met her new, ( and not really scary) family, at the same time as we were meeting Isla.  We are sorry to see them go, but we are lucky enough to be meeting new people, some of which have children from the same place that Isla is from!
Sorry, no pictures right now.  We will post them in our morning. Only one more day in China!!!
Love, barb, will, & isla

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1 comment:

jill said...

The massage sounds wonderful! Glad you are taking some "me" time! I love the squeeky shoe experience....squeek, squeek, squeek...must be music to your ears! I also love the big smile picture from y'day. Hey, I might be in tahoe the weekend after you get back. wknd of 26 and 27. I know you will be busy, but would love to stop in and see you!