Monday, January 21, 2008

First Days Home

We are slowly getting settled into our new routine! It is challenging to get used to a new time zone along with so many other changes!! During the past few days, Isla has been slowly adjusting. We are ALL hoping for a more typical night of sleep tonight.
We have tried to expose her to more sunshine during the day to assist her adjustment, but as you can see from the pictures, "sunshine" has been hard to come by. Isla seems interested in the snow, however, and tolerates the cold well. She had her first ride in her "Chariot" today (thanks SSGK). She mostly looked stunned, but I think she will eventually enjoy it.
Isla is really seeming confident in her new home. She loves walking (with both hands held). We have a perfect area to do "laps" and Isla continues to improve her endurance while testing the endurance of her parents. She is also able to sit and play on her own for short periods. This is a great improvement as now we can actually prepare meals or fold laundry while she is happily playing.
Isla is finding her carseat and high-chair quite interesting. Luckily, she seems to be getting used to them. Her appetite continues to be good, and her new favorite is sweet potatoes. The canned mandarin oranges seem to be an ok substitute for the fresh ones in China. And cheese flavored crackers are really fun to crunch with Isla's front teeth!
Tomorrow is our first appointment with our pediatrician. Better get some sleep while we can!!
Love to all,
Isla, Barb, & Will


chris koz said...

Must be quite a shock from warm sunny China : )

Jennifer said...

I can't believe you have the time or energy to post, but I'm glad you do. You all look happy, if a bit tired ;-)

Here's hoping for a regular sleep schedule soon.

Unknown said...

Thanks again for all the pictures...Holly and I loved looking at them. She is so beautiful. Look forward to sharing baby stories at work with you.

3 Peanuts said...

One of your friends met my husband in Whole foods here in VA. He was with our daughter who came home from China about 9 months ago. Your friend told my hubby about your blog and he remembered your blog name and so here I am. Welcome home. I know the sleep is tough those first few weeks. Hope the first pediatrician appt. went well.

Isla is beautiful! COngratualtions!
