Thursday, January 17, 2008

Last post from China

Well this is our last post from China. It makes us sad to leave but was are also very happy to bring Isla to her new home. The last three weeks where amazing to say the least. We went from traveling in rural China as childless climbers to parents!
Today we all went to the US Consulate where Isla received her Chinese passport with a visa for the US! We included a picture of her investigating the passport for correctness.
Sorry but we did not take many pictures today so there are only two for the blog. Isla is sharing the chair with her friend Leanna who is also from the Guangdong province and met her family on the same day.
We have lots of packing up to do now for our early departure! Can't wait to introduce you all to our new daughter! Next post will be from home sweet home!
The Jones'


geekmom said...

It's been great following your blog. Isla looks like a happy baby. Can not wait for Kara and Peter to meet her. Have a safe trip/flight home.


Starla said...

We have the same outfit from China! It is one of our favorites. I have enjoyed following your blog. It has brought back many happy memories of our journey to China. Congratulations and have a safe trip home.

Jennifer said...

Safe journey home!